Clairvoyant Psychic Love Psychic Spell Caster Readings
Love, Luck, Career and Past Life. Clairvoyant readings advise on all matters of life and answers all your personal questions.
Mukazi Psychic Love Spell Caster,, numerologist, Astrologist, clairvoyant, readings are unique and accurate as he combines his natural gifts with numerology, and also a 6-10 Tarot Card draw. This benefits clients, as it's a rare combination among other psychic readings you may have had. Psychic Mukazi believes in above average good service, combined with honest, non-judgmental, friendly readings, which makes him so popular among clients. With his psychic medium-ship, numerology expertise, clairvoyance, he works closely with his amazing spirit guides and angels, who pass on
important information to him via thoughts, (as in CROSSING OVERS as well,) images, hearing them, or feeling their emotions. This includes names, initials, descriptions of people, events, etc. This can be either current, past, or future prophecies.
NUMEROLOGY enhances Priscilla's readings by supplying extremely accurate information about different personalities, the chemistry between people, and is vital in analyzing RELATIONSHIPS, including suitability, and the overall nature of each different relationship we have with every person. Psychic Mukazi also gives insight into the various year cycles we all go through, what is currently happening and why, and he offers solutions to helping people move forward in their lives. During certain life

cycles, people usually find themselves, or their partners, in a 'love triangle.' Other cycles are challenging, where some people may feel if they are 'cursed.' During difficult cycles, couples will usually not understand why they feel like splitting up, having trouble at work, and feel the urge to move. Everyone is in a different cycle, and Priscilla explains this all to you, so that it all makes sense, and you are offered solutions.
TAROT CARDS are also included in your reading, usually a short 6 - 10 card draw will confirm, or add, to your reading. Again, Psychic Mukazi uses her own unique style with tarot cards, which he will explain during your reading.
If you require an accurate, honest, reading regarding your current circumstances, relationship/s, business, career, health, or having problems with your children's behavior, Priscilla can give you very valuable insight on this as well. This only applies to children under the age of 18 though, and has an extra fee of R100 per child.

FEE: Readings start from R600, or 110 US Dollars and R850 per couple.