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Karma Spells


Welcome to our favorite Karma Spells! We have included an instant karma spell, proving if they deserve it, the world will serve it. Karma spells typically happen rather quickly, especially when the intended recipient deserves what you’re casting! A Wiccan karma spell has incredible power when done with pure intentions. Meaning giving what someone deserves and nothing more. For blessings for an individual that has been a positive influence on your life, a good karma spell will offer hem many blessings!

Instant Karma Spell

This is an instant karma spell that casts bad karma on an individual. This spell focuses on demons. The spell uses the word villain in place of demons. This spell will backfire if cast for personal gain. It should only be cast if the individual truly deserves bad karma. There are no items needed although some use a black candle to increase the power. Otherwise, cleanse your space and chant the below to cast the spell.

“To make a demon feel the pain he inflicts. Let cruelty, pain and evil ways follow this villain through all his days reverse the torment he creates to turn on him a crueler fate.”


Good Karma Spell

Items Needed

  • Grapefruit, Blood Orange and Lemon Oil

  • Freshly Picked Flower

  • Citrine

  • Paper & Pen

  • Candle (Your favorite color as long as it isn’t black)

  • Container

Write down on a piece of paper what makes you sad or angry and burn the paper while  holding the citrine and saying, “I burn this paper to bring me happiness.”

Then drip the oils on the flower and burn the flower while holding the citrine and saying, “I burn these flowers to bring me positive blessings and good karma.”

Pour the ashes into the container while holding the citrine and saying, “Akasha, bring me happiness and bring me good karma.”

Repeat everything three times then put the container in the refrigerator or freezer, leave the citrine out and place it on your nightstand for continued good karma and positive vibes.

This is a great spell to do before casting one of our Weight Loss Spells

Bad Karma Spell

Items Needed

  • Candle

  • Paper & Pen

  • Cauldron

This spell helps to make someone realize and feel the hurt they caused you. If they don’t realize the pain they caused, bad karma will come their way. Write the person’s name on a piece of paper. Place the paper in your cauldron, or another fire safe dish. Light the candle and use the candle to burn the paper while saying the below.

“Wolf and horse, old signs of might. Lend your strength to me this night. The pain and grief they so easily give, must be returned so they may live, to know and feel what they have done, and change their ways, with harm to none. Send back the pain, teach them this night, and help them to do what they know is right.”

Go outside and throw the ashes into the winds knowing they will now realize what they’ve done to you.

This is a great spell to do in combination with our Banishing Spells

Karma Cleansing Spell

Items Needed

  • White Candle

  • Blessing or Cleansing Oil (or Lavender Essential Oil if you don’t have a blend)

  • Banishing, Cleansing or Blessing Incense

When you’re ready to rid yourself of your past karma, this is the spell to cast. Whether it be forgiving yourself for a mistake or making a mistake and the desire to move forward without the ties to your mistakes, this is the spell to cast. 

This spell should be done on a Saturday night, which is the Day of Saturn. Before beginning the spell, take a shower or bath to cleanse your body. We suggest dry brushing and then using bath salts and sacred scents. Imagine everything negative going down the drain as you cleanse. Visualize bad energy leaving your body.

Time to cast!  Take a white candle and anoint it with your banishing/cleansing oil. You can use lavender oil if you don’t have access to a blend. First, point the candle away from you and anoint the oil at the middle of the candle working your way to the bottom then turn the candle around to anoint it from middle to the wick. While you do this, focus on your wish to be released from all the negativity you have brought into your life and karma.

Now light the candle and incense. Allow yourself to relax your body and mind while the candle begins to burn. Chant “hum” 27, 54 or 108 times. Then say the below three times while watching the flame and relaxing your mind.  Allow the Divine Grace, or any entity or power you have summoned) to act on you and on your karma.

“I now wish to be free from old deeds. I surrender myself to the Divine Grace (or any entity you trust or supreme power you believe in) asking all my mistakes to be undone and all my bad karma to be cleansed.”

Now chant “ram” for 27, 54 or 108 times. Stay close to the candle for as long as you want and allow it to burn to the end. That’s it! Now go to sleep and wake up to a brighter future free from any past mistakes.

This spell becomes very powerful when used in combination before casting Wiccan Spells as well as our Healing Spells!

I wish you many blessings and successful outcomes. If you like these, please share the free binding spells with others!

african american woman psychic mukazi with curly hair against a starry background.

Psychic Mukazi



Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
​​Saturday: 10am - 2pm
​Sunday: Closed


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